Friday, June 24, 2011

Take me out to the Ball Game!

Summer is usually the time we are watching my family play baseball. This year my brother's team made it to the finals for School.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

English Setter Picnic in Orono

Last weekend we were invited to the English Setters Picnic by the President of the club. So many beautiful dogs and puppies!! Although the weather was kinda funny. The rain held out long enough for us to get some great shots of the dogs. The property as you can see from the pictures had beautiful green lush gardens. The wooded area was beautiful as well and I was able to get my favourite shot of the day with owners dog Jack waiting to catch a frog by the pond. To check out the whole gallery please follow this link.
To learn more about this wonderful breed please visit

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Matteo + Luca - Children Photography

I had lots of fun with 2.5 year old Matteo and 8 momth old Luca. The boys live in a new subdivision and it is very entertaining for Matteo as he enjoys the big trucks or "Diggers" as he likes to call them. Dad was helpful with lifting Matteo onto the trucks for some pictures, but because it was raining all morning it was very muddy. Dad almost lost his sandle to the mud....he had to dig deep to find it.

To see all pictures of Matteo and Luca please follow the following link to our client gallery.